Monday, May 20, 2013

addnode gave PRCF-2023 : The following contents are not transferred as they are non-readable.

While adding a node to an existing four node cluster, got the following error.

The issue in this case was the file permission on the file root.sh_11203

Fix the file permission so that its readable by the user owning the ORACLE_HOME and re-run the add_node command.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

SQL Scripts to find TEMP tablespace usage

Here are various scripts which helps in determining who's using the TEMP tablespace.

Script 1

Script 2

Script 3

Script 4

Useful Oracle Notes in reference to TEMP Tablespace

How Can Temporary Segment Usage Be Monitored Over Time? (Doc ID 364417.1)

TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE (TSG) : ORA-1652: unable to extend temp segment [ID 1267351.1]

Generate AWR report for a particular SQL

Once you have identified that a particular SQL is causing issues, you can generate the AWR report for a particular SQL between two specific snap_id's for further analysis. SQL "awrsqrpt.sql" is located under $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin

awrsqlrpt_2_66397_66398.html => This report gives lot of good information about that particular SQL including the Plan Statistics and EXECUTION PLAN